
Griggs: Election Agreement is Good for Voters

Griggs: Election Agreement is Good for Voters
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Aug. 17, 2020 | MCCRACKEN COUNTY
By West Kentucky Star Staff Aug. 17, 2020 | 04:48 PM | MCCRACKEN COUNTY
McCracken County Clerk Julie Griggs says the election agreement between Governor Andy Beshear and Secretary of State Michael Adams will be good for voters.

On August 14,  Beshear and Adams announced a bipartisan agreement to allow Kentuckians to exercise their right to vote in the November Election while protecting their health.

Some of the plan's details include absentee ballots, early voting beginning October 13, and election day voting which will include a voting super-center.

Griggs told West Kentucky Star that she is pleased with the plan.

She said, "It gives the best of all worlds for the voters. If they choose to vote by absentee mail in ballot they can, if they want to vote early in person they can, or if they want to vote in-person on election day they can. It's going to be really good for the voters."

Griggs said she had previously hoped to open up in-person voting on October 1. However, under Beshear's plan, in-person voting will open up across the state on October 13.

According to Griggs, the voting super-center was a surprise although she feels that the idea may be the way of the future.

"To have one centralized voting locating for anyone in the county to come vote at, it's not really any different than what we did for the primary since we only had the one voting location," she said.

Although nothing is written in stone just yet, Griggs believes that McCracken County's voting super-center will be located at the McCracken County courthouse.

Aside from the voting super-center, she said they are aiming to have around 11 precincts open for the General Election.

"We're trying to strategically place them throughout the county on all ends. We're trying to go through and put precincts together according to which city or county they're in, which state representative's district they're in, or which school district they're in." Griggs said. "We're going to be combining about 54 precincts into about 11."

You can learn more about the General Election agreement at the links below.

On the Net:

Beshear, Adams Reach Agreement on General Election
Beshear's Election Executive Order

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