
First Presidential Debate is Tonight

First Presidential Debate is Tonight
By Kentucky News Network
Sep. 26, 2016 | LOUISVILLE, KY
By Kentucky News Network Sep. 26, 2016 | 04:59 AM | LOUISVILLE, KY
Millions will be tuning in to the first Presidential debate, but will it make a difference in the race?

Stephen Voss is an associate professor at the University of Kentucky and says while we always focus on the next big campaign events, the presidential debates matter very little. 

He says the main focus in debates is not to change voter's minds, but to mobilize those undecided against the other candidate. 

Only about 20% of viewers will be swayed by the debates. 

Debates are judged by "experts" who take factual judgments and clarity into account, but overall, the voter's opinion is what matters at the end of the day. 

Voss says while the national numbers remain very close, Trump won't have a hard time keeping Kentucky on his side. He says if Trump manages to lose Kentucky, he's lost the whole nation. 

NewsTalk 94,3 WKYX and 95.5 WNGO will be airing the debate tonight, beginning at 8 pm.

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